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2015新材料高层论坛 | 大会报告人简介









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发表于 2015-11-4 18:35:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
简 历:1966年生,国家“千人计划”学者、973“铁性智能材料”项目首席科学家。现任西安交通大学前沿科学研究院院长、教授。主要研究方向为先进智能材料,包括形状记忆合金、无铅压电材料及巨磁致伸缩材料等。在Nature、Science、Nature Materials、Physical Review Letters等期刊发表论文180余篇。论文被引用近8000篇次(Google Scholar统计);单篇最高被引用1000余篇次, 位列形状记忆合金领域单篇引用率国际排名第一(Web of Science统计)。其2009年报道新型无铅压电材料BZT-BCT的论文已被引用超过500次,位列压电材料领域近5年单篇论文引用率国际排名第四。曾获日本金属学会"功勋奖"等多项荣誉。
题 目:应变玻璃:潜伏的智能材料?
摘 要:如果说具有微米尺寸的马氏体决定了钢铁时代的代表材料-钢、以及智能时代的代表材料之一的形状记忆合金的关键性能的话,十年前发现的对这类材料掺杂形成的一种具有纳米微结构的“应变玻璃”则有可能给这些重要材料带来全新的智能特性。这是因为这些纳米微结构是能够对温度、力、磁场响应的“活的”组织。本报告将讲述应变玻璃的形成条件和独特性质,包括无滞后超弹性、恒弹性模量、反常的零热膨胀效应及负热膨胀效应等。其中的一些奇异效应是曾获得诺贝尔奖的百年难题。
简 历:南京大学理学博士, 物理学教授,美国光学学会会士, 中国科学院院士。在微结构材料的设计、制备、性能表征、新效应研究和器件研制方面工作较为系统,特别是成功将铁电畴应用于非线性光学、激光技术和量子光学研究并做出重要贡献。
题 目:用铁电畴调控光子
摘 要:Engineering domain in ferroelectric crystals has become a very active field involving many important applications in linear optics, nonlinear optics, laser and quantum optics. At its early stage, the researches were focused on quasi-phase-matched second-harmonic-generation from the periodically poled ferroelectric crystals. The research later was extended to many other nonlinear optical processes, such as optical parametric generation or oscillation, third-harmonic-generation, nonlinear light scattering, nonlinear Cherenkov radiation, nonlinear Talbot effect etc., in which phase matching was fulfilled by either quasi-phase-matching or nonlinear Huggens-Fresnel principle. Nowadays, the study of domain engineering enters a new regime, in which,the goal is to generate and control photons at will. The bright entangled photons have been generated in such crystals by spontaneously parametric downconversion, and been further controlled with full freedom offered by engineered domain, such as focusing, beam-splitting etc. This will bring revolutionary impacts on quantum optics and information in future.
Ekhard K.H. Salje
简 历:Ekhard K.H. Salje works at the University of Cambridge. He is fellow of the Royal Society and other national academies of sciences (Germany and Spain). He was Master of a Cambridge college and Head of the Earth Sciences department. His research spans applied mathematics and solid state physics, and extends to earth sciences and mineralogy. He has published over 600 papers and several textbooks (H>62). He works on nano-scale materials and the functionality of such structures (e.g. superconducting twin planes, polarity in ferroelastic materials etc).
题 目:Functional ferroelastic nano-structures
摘 要:Ferroelastic nano-structures include transformation twins, which can be engineered to be organized in a very dense tangle of domain boundaries [1]. These boundaries can carry functionalities such as superconductivity  [2]  andferroelectricity [3] for memory device applications [4]. I will introduce the concept of domain boundary engineering and give examples where such functional domain boundaries are found in materials with perovskite – type structures. These examples entail experimental studies in CaTiO3 and SrTiO3 and results of computer simulations that clarify the underlying physical properties of the enhanced functionality of the nano-structured device material.
简 历:赵东元,教授,复旦大学教授,中科院院士,第三世界科学院院士。主要从事沸石分子筛、纳米介孔材料合成等方向的研究工作。已发表SCI论文近600余篇,申请中国发明专利39项,授权32项,论文被引用超过5万次(h index = 105),被国际ISI Web of Science公司列为化学、材料科学两个领域的高引用科学家。获得国家自然科学二等奖、何梁何利科学进步奖、第三世界科学院TWAS化学奖、国际介观结构材料IMMA、印度化学会拉奥奖。现任ACS Central Science编辑。
题 目:介孔材料界面组装工程及其应用
摘 要:功能介孔材料问世以来,由于其特殊的介观结构和性质,超高比表面,超大的孔容,大而均一可调的孔径,引起了人们广泛的研究兴趣,在石油裂化、催化、吸附、分离等方面,尤其是生物药物传递、检测、诊断具有广阔的应用前景。围绕功能介孔材料的发展,重点介绍了一种采用两亲性表面活性剂、嵌段共聚物模板法合成高度有序的新型功能介孔材料及其在载药、荧光检测等方面的应用。将介绍最近发展的几种新的合成方法,包括双液相法、溶剂挥发聚集组装法和界面驱动的定向排列法。由此可以制备的一系列新型有序功能介孔材料,包括介孔氧化硅、氧化钛、氧化铁和介孔碳材料。同时本课题组发展了动力学控制方法,制备了一系列壳-核结构的功能介孔氧化硅、碳球、半球,“双面胶”结构非对称介孔球颗粒。
Akihisa Inoue
简 历:Professor Akihisa Inoue is a world-leading material scientist. He received his Ph.D. in 1975 from Tohoku University, in Materials Science and Engineering. He was on the faculty at Tohoku University, before retiring as an Emeritus Professor. He also held a number of administrative posts at Tohoku University, and was named the President of the university in 2006. As a pioneer in the development of bulk metallic glass materials, Professor Inoue shared The 2009 James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials awarded by the American Physical Society.  Other honors include elected member of Japan Academy, foreign member of the US National Academy of Engineering, 2002 Japan Academy Prize, 2003 Kelly Lecture, University of Cambridge, and 2010Acta Materiallia Gold Medal.  He is author of over 2500 publications, and was identified by Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) as No. 1 in worldwide ranking of highly cited authors publishing scientific papers in materials science and engineering journals during 1996-2006. Presently he serves as a Special Adviser to the Chancellor, and Director of International Institute of Green Materials, Josai University Educational Corporation, in Tokyo. Japan.
题 目:Bulk Metallic Glasses; Development, Applications and Future Prospect
摘 要:Since the findings of multicomponent glassy alloys with distinct glass transition and wide supercooled liquid region before crystallization in 1988, followed by the first synthesis of La-based bulk metallic glasses by copper mold casting in 1990, much attention has been devoted to the syntheses of new bulk metallic glasses, the clarifications of fundamental and engineering properties, the searches for new phenomena and the findings for new application fields, in conjunction with the developments of net shape casting and undercooled liquid forming processes. The great attention and curiosity for a number of researchers are due to the novelty, strangeness and usefulness of the new metallic bulk glasses which were created after a long time in the long history of metallic materials. To be concrete, the extremely high stability of undercooled liquid against crystallization for multicomponent alloys with the special component rule, the basic science and engineering of highly stable undercooled metallic liquid, and new academic and engineering values of the bulk metallic glasses which are significantly different from conventional bulk crystalline alloys. Various production techniques to form bulk metallic glasses directly from liquid have also been developed by utilizing the uniqueness of undercooled metallic liquid. Owing to their useful properties and three-dimensional bulk forms in conjunction with the direct production processes, bulk metallic glasses have been used as commercial materials in a variety of fields. In addition, even at present, many interesting properties and phenomena for bulk metallic glasses and their related undercooled liquid have continuously been found, and hence bulk metallic glasses are expected to maintain further increasing interest in the near future. This talk presents the development history, fundamental properties, engineering characteristics, commercialization examples, recent topics and future prospects for bulk metallic glasses.
孙 军
简 历:西安交通大学教授,金属材料强度国家重点实验室主任,国家杰出青年基金获得者,长江学者特聘教授。连续两次担任国家973计划项目首席科学家。国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体项目学术带头人。入选首批新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选,并获“全国五一劳动奖章”。2013年获得英国皇家工程院“卓越学者访问奖学金”。主要研究领域为材料形变与相变行为的微纳尺度效应及其高性能化等。已在包括Nature、Nature Materials等国际学术期刊上发表论文180余篇,被SCI他引3000余篇次。包括国际断裂大会50分钟报告在内的大型系列国际会议大会邀请报告10余次。以第一完成人获得国家技术发明二等奖1项。
题 目:纳米金属多层膜微柱力学行为及其尺寸效应
摘 要:纳米金属多层膜材料由于其优异的力学性能已成为目前高性能微型元器件以及互连结构的核心材料体系,其服役过程中的形变损伤是导致系统失效的关键问题。随着所用材料的几何外观尺寸持续减小,材料科学与工程中传统的微观组织-性能关系的二维研究空间也应拓展为微观组织-外观尺寸-性能关系的三维研究空间。本报告将介绍晶体/晶体Cu/X(X=Cr, Zr)与晶体/非晶Cu/Cu-Zr纳米金属多层膜微柱塑性变形行为及力学性能的内在/外观尺寸效应,澄清层状结构材料加工硬化/软化行为的微观机制,构建多层膜微柱结构设计与性能优化准则。
Ching W. Tang
简 历:Ching W. Tang - PhD (1975), Cornell University; BSc (1970), University of British Columbia. In 1975 Tang joined the Eastman Kodak Company to begin his 31-year research career at Kodak’s research laboratories in Rochester, NY where he made his most significant contributions to the field of organic electronics – the discovery of OLED and OPV based on a hetero-junction structure. He retired from Kodak in 2006 to join the University of Rochester as the Doris Johns Cherry Professor of Chemical Engineering. In 2013 he was also appointed the IAS Bank of East Asia Professor of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Tang is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering. He is also a fellow of the American Physical Society and the Society for Information Display. For his fundamental contributions to the field of organic electronics, Tang was awarded the 2011 Wolf Prize in Chemistry.
题 目:Recent Progress in OLED
摘 要:After several decades of intensive research and development worldwide, organic light emitting diode (OLED) has emerged as a key display technology. Increasingly OLED has gained market shares from LCD in consumer products ranging from handheld cellular phones to large-area televisions. In competition with LCD as a display technology, OLED has the intrinsic advantage as an addressable, solid-state light source capable of producing perfect black and vivid colors without view-angle degradation and fast motion without blur – key characteristics that have so far eluded LCD displays. More recently OLED has expanded its application platform with the introduction of “flexible” OLED displays based on a plastic substrate. With a flexible form factor, OLED are ideally suited for “wearables,” such as electronic watches, and for “stitched” displays that in principle can be scaled to any size. In this talk, I will review the recent progress in OLED display technology and discuss its future prospects and challenges.
邱 勇
简 历:男,1964年生,清华大学教授、博士生导师,中国科学院院士;
2003年获国家自然科学基金委杰出青年基金资助,2006年当选教育部长江学者;先后主持国家杰出青年科学基金、国家自然科学基金重大项目、重大国际合作项目、“863”重点项目等科研项目;发表SCI论文240余篇,SCI他引2 800余次;获中国授权发明专利67项、国际授权发明专利17项;完成1项国际标准、1项国家标准和1项国家军用标准的制定;作为第一完成人,获2010年中国专利金奖和2011年国家技术发明一等奖;主要研究方向:有机光电功能材料与器件;有机无机复合光电功能材料与器件;有机半导体传输机理。
题 目:有机发光的新机制、新材料与理论探索
简 历:1964年9月生。现为中国科学院长春应用化学研究所研究员、中国科学院长春分院院长。获国家自然科学二等奖1项(2009),吉林省科学技术进步一等奖2项(2007,2012)。中国科学院百人计划(1996);国家杰出青年科学基金(1997);新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选(2005)。汤森路透材料学科领域高引用科学家(2014)。
题 目:溶液加工型白光高分子材料
摘 要:鉴于大尺寸、柔性和低成本加工为未来有机照明光源的发展方向之一和材料是制约高光效和长寿命的瓶颈问题,不同于蒸镀工艺的有机小分子白光OLED,围绕溶液加工型白光高分子材料与器件为核心主题,在树枝状分子和单一高分子白光两个材料体系上开展了相关的研究工作。
在树枝状分子方面,我们基于“主体材料/磷光发光中心一体化”的学术思想,分别采用蓝光铱配合物作为中心核和第二代咔唑齐聚物作为外围树枝,设计合成了树枝状蓝光铱配合物,具有独特的掺杂浓度依赖性,在非掺杂状态下实现了最优器件性能,外量子效率高达15.3% (31.3 cd/A, 28.9 lm/W)。同时,采用树枝状主体材料,构建了双主体白光器件,其白光光谱几乎没有电压依赖性,在10000 cd/m2亮度下,色坐标的变化仅为(0.004, 0.002)。
在单一高分子白光材料方面,主要集中在全磷光单一高分子白光材料的设计合成与性能研究。我们采用前期开发的具有双极特性的高三线态能级氟代膦酰聚芳醚作为主体材料,分别对黄光和蓝光铱配合物的能级结构进行优化,首先设计合成了高光效的黄光和蓝光磷光高分子。其中,黄光磷光高分子的发光效率和功率效率从9.1 cd/A和4.0 lm/W提高至23.3 cd/A和12.2 lm/W;蓝光磷光高分子的发光效率和功率效率从18.5 cd/A和7.4 lm/W提高至24.1 cd/A和16.2 lm/W。在此基础上,我们进一步实现了高性能全磷光单一高分子白光材料,其发光效率和功率效率从18.4 cd/A和8.4 lm/W提高至25.8 cd/A和15.6 lm/W。在高电流密度下,器件效率衰减缓慢,即使在1000 cd/m2的亮度下,功率效率仍然保持在12.0 lm/W。
简 历:陈立泉,中科院物理研究所研究员,中国工程院院士,无机功能材料专家。曾荣获国家自然科学一等奖、中科院科技进步特等奖和二等奖、何梁何利科学与技术进步奖并被授予国家有突出贡献中青年专家称号。为我国锂电池的研究、开发奠定了基础。在国内首先研制成功锂离子电池。依靠自已的专有技术,以国产设备和国产原材料为主, 建成了国内第一条锂离子电池中试生产线,解决了锂离子电池规模化生产的科学技术与工程问题并实现了锂离子电池的产业化。对锂离子电池研究和产业化以及对液氮温区高温超导材料的发现都作出了重要贡献。
题 目:锂离子电池之外的先进电池
摘 要:当今世界无论是消费电子、电脑、手机,还是电动汽车(EV)和规模储能(EES)大都采用锂离子电池。2014全球锂电池需求年均复合增长率高达32.51%。随着EV和EES的普及,对锂离子电池的需求还会以更快的速度逐年增长。然而,锂的储量在地壳中仅占0.002%左右,是一种稀有金属。如何实现EV和EES产业的可持续发展?世界各囯纷纷开始研究锂离子电池之外的其它可充放电池,比如基于一价离子的锂/硫、锂/空和纳离子电池,基于多价离子的镁离子电池、锌离子电池和铝离子电池。本报告将就钠离子电池、锌离子电池和铝离子电池的研究概况,特别是国内研究进展作简要回顾,以期引起业界同仁和决策层的重视和支持。
Michel Armand
简 历:Michel Armand作为世界著名锂电池学者、锂电池产业的奠基人之一,是国际学术界和产业界公认的、在锂电领域具有多项原始创新成果的专家。
题 目:Present lithium metal batteries for EVs: advantages and drawbacks
摘 要:Metallic lithium is the ideal electrode in terms of gravimetric capacity ≈ 4000 mAh/g, less so in terms of volumetric energy density (2130 mAh/cm3). Despite all the appeal of this electrode material, all past efforts to harness the Li° electrode with liquid electrolytes (Moly Energy®, Tadiran®) have faltered on cycle life and safety problems. The Li-ion technology, emerging in 1993, has been so successful that it has concentrated almost all efforts of the scientific community. Yet, not only the graphite active material itself is a weight penalty (≈ 385 mAh/g minus 10% for the SEI formation) but it requires a copper current collector which is heavy and not sustainable. On the other hand, a three-fold excess of lithium allows the noncycled metal to be used as a current collector of negligible weight. The reaction Li+ + e- ⇔ Li° is subject to dendritic growth according to Chazalviel theory [J.- N. Chazalviel, Phys. Rev. A 42 (1990), 7355]. In dual-conducting electrolytes (M+, X-) plating results in salt depletion followed by dielectric breakdown and then dendritic growth. Besides the unavoidable passivation layer renders the local current even more inhomogeneous, thus the dendrite threshold current is lowered. Polymer electrolytes, mainly a lithium salt dissolved in a solvating polymer like poly(ethylene oxide) are sufficiently conductive above ≈ 60°C. They offer some mechanical resistance to dendrite growth, (especially with the addition of nano-particles) though the Chazalviel model applies in the case of a simple salt (typically Li[CF3SO2)2N]) with 2/3 of the current carried by the anion. Despite this limitation Li°/polymer electrolyte/LiFePO4 cells can be cycled for > 1000 cycles [K. Zaghib et al., Nano Lett. 15(4), (2015), 2671]. Around 3500 cars based on a “pay & ride” systems are available in Europe and the USA, using a 60-80°C operation battery with polymer electrolytes, whose lifetime is expected for 10 years or 400,000 km. Emphasis is now put on polymer electrolytes where only the Li+ is mobile (t+ = 1) with copolymers or alloys [Armand et al. Electrochim. Acta (2011), 57, 14; Zhou et al. Electrochim. Acta 93 (2013), 254]
吴 锋
简 历:吴 锋,北京理工大学学术委员会委员、能源与环境材料学科首席教授、博士生导师,兼任中国电池工业协会副理事长、中国化学与物理电源行业协会副理事长、国家新材料产业发展战略咨询委员会委员,连任三期国家973计划二次电池项目首席科学家。先后主持了多项国家重大项目,发表SCI收录论文300余篇,主编出版学术专著2部,获得国家发明专利授权64项。作为第一完成人,获国家技术发明二等奖1项、国家科技进步二等奖1项、省部级科技一等奖5项、何梁何利基金科学与技术进步奖和三项国际科研成就奖。
题 目:高性能二次电池与相关材料进展
摘 要:能源和环境是21世纪全球关注的重大问题,高性能二次电池与相关材料,已成为当前国际研究的热点。发展清洁和可再生能源是我国社会经济发展的重大战略,已被列为国家中长期科技发展规划纲要中重点和优先发展的方向,可服务于电动汽车、储能电站、航空航天、现代国防等国家一系列重大需求。本报告介绍了如何基于轻元素化合物的多电子、多离子反应机制,实现二次电池能量密度的跨越式提升,构筑高比能二次电池新体系;如何采用新材料与新技术实现电池综合性能的提高,制备出高比能、高功率、高安全可靠性和高性价比的新型二次电池。
Chuanbin Mao
简 历:Chuanbin Mao received his PhD from Northeastern University (China) and conducted postdoctoral studies at Tsinghua University and the University of Texas at Austin. He has received many awards such as Oklahoma New Scientist Award, National Science Foundation CAREER Award, and Chinese American Chemistry and Chemical Biology Professors Association (CAPA) Distinguished Junior Faculty Award. His research interests include phage display, drug/gene delivery, biomaterials, tissue engineering, bionanotechnology, and nanomedicine. His research has led to about 130 peer-reviewed publications with some in highly ranked journals such as Science, PNAS, Advanced Materials, Angewandte Chemie, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, and Advanced Functional Materials.
题 目:Genetically Engineered Biomaterials
摘 要:Phage (also called bacteriophage) is a human-safe virus that specifically infects bacteria. It can be pictured as a nanoparticle made of protein capsid and DNA core. The protein is genetically coded by the DNA, allowing us to modify the surface chemistry of the phage by genetic means. Genetically modified phage can be used to direct the synthesis and assembly of biomaterials, direct stem cell differentiation for tissue regeneration, identify cell- and tissue-targeting peptides, develop biosensors that can detect disease biomarkers with high sensitivity, and produce carriers that can target cells for efficient drug or gene delivery. Our work shows that genetically modifiable bionanostructures are unique players in developing novel biomaterials and nanomedicines.
张 荻
简 历:张 荻,上海交通大学材料学院讲席教授,金属基复合材料国家重点实验室主任。教育部“长江学者奖励计划”材料学科特聘教授。国家973计划“先进金属基复合材料制备科学”首席科学家,中国复合材料学会常务理事。
题 目:自然启迪的分级结构功能材料的探索研究
摘 要:启迪于自然界生物通过精细分级结构进化所得的非凡结构功能化,指导复合材料的设计和制备,并提出直接借用生物结构为模板,通过物化手段,变更其结构组分,制备既遗传自然生物精细形态与功能、又有人为赋予特性的新材料,即“遗态材料”的研究新理念,为材料构型设计和结构功能化提供了前瞻性思路、方法与原理验证。基于蝶翅、植物叶等典型生物结构,研究和创制了多种兼具生物分级结构和功能组分双重特性的结构功能化材料。
简 历:王迎军(女),博士,教授,博士生导师。现任华南理工大学校长,国家人体组织功能重建工程技术研究中心主任。兼任中国生物材料学会副理事长、中国生物医学工程学会生物材料分会理事长等。国家973重大基础研究项目首席科学家、国际生物材料科学与工程学会FELLOW。王迎军教授长期从事生物材料基础及应用基础研究,研制出多种新型生物医用材料,并用于临床。获国家及省部级奖项等十余项。
题 目:生物材料的表面功能仿生与生物适配
摘 要:生物材料表面的物理、化学性质将直接与机体细胞、组织之间的产生相互作用,进而影响材料的生物适配性及其对组织修复的效果。因此,采用各种仿生技术对材料表面进行功能化构建,是生物材料表面研究的热点和难点。从微、纳米尺度设计并仿生构建生物材料表面的微观拓扑结构,研究并构建生物材料表面各种官能团种类及功能表达,以及通过在生物材料表面构建各种生物活性分子,均可以有效调控细胞在生物材料表面的排列取向、粘附、铺展状态以及生物学性能表达。进而调控材料生物适配性能和生物材料对病损组织的修复。

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